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Sweat By Zora Neale Hurston Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Should Regulations for Home Schools be Changed Essay
Should Regulations for Home Schools be Changed - Essay Example These tests have the motivation behind not just guaranteeing that the rules spread out by the suitable specialists are being met yet in addition the optional purpose of having the option to gauge extraordinary and dynamic changes in the understudy body at the territorial and state levels. Because of the way that no such examination of homeschoolers is performed at the government level and no benchmarks are set or investigated, there is for all intents and purposes no information on how this gathering impacts the general acknowledgment of instructive turn of events and accomplishment inside the United States. Albeit many may contend that there is no requirement for government to meddle with this procedure because of the way that it would be progressively guideline of in any case private lives, one can likewise see the elective contention identifying with the way that the administration of the United States isn't just liable for instructive turn of events and accomplishment for its pop ulace yet in addition for the improvement of a gifted and even workforce to meet the key market needs that the 21st century gives (Kunzman, 2009). Along these lines, one can rapidly understand that albeit certain subjects, for example, perusing, writing, and arithmetic might be instructed by a well gifted and taught parent or guardian, the truth is that upper level science, math, or potentially lab sciences require assets and offices that are not accessible to the normal homeschooler. This makes a crucial issue. Because of the way that these lab sciences and upper level examinations can't be educated by the normal self-teach educator, they chance being overlooked or not instructed by any stretch of the imagination. This further muddles the instructive procedure because of the way that there are no preliminary life sciences that can... This article favors that because of the way that these lab sciences and upper level investigations can't be instructed by the normal self-teach instructor, they hazard being overlooked or not educated by any stretch of the imagination. This further convolutes the instructive procedure because of the way that there are no preliminary life sciences that can sufficiently be educated inside the self-teach condition. Normally, in the event that one takes the way that there ought to be a further extent of government guideline of self-teaching, there is the issue of the way that this degree of guideline fundamentally hinders numerous rights and benefits of the private resident. In spite of the fact that the outcome might be a net constructive, the truth is that the degree of encroachments on the individual rights and benefits to the private resident would be different. Also, the last issue which this examination will talk about is maybe something that is the best generally speaking worry co ncerning the current financial atmosphere that the country is confronted with. This report makes an end that one can see that an amazing contention exists for the guideline of self-teaching as a way to guarantee that a high caliber of instructive fulfillment is made accessible to every single kid inside the United States. In any case, because of the key worries over social liberties and the expense of seeking after such a way, it is the assessment of this creator that the circumstance is little enough now to warrant the response of a government authority accused of administering and directing the training.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Corporate Law Business Dealing Operations
Question: Portray about the Corporate Law for Business Dealing Operations. Answer: Presentation According to the case data, it is clear that Jack, Jill and Max are effectively occupied with working a business managing offer of trucks throughout the previous a year. Nonetheless, it is basic that the business structure should be officially sorted out. While there are decisions concerning business structures, for example, sole ownership, trust, organization, association however the decisions with respect to fitting business structure in the given case is restricted to either organization or association. So as to guarantee that the business development isn't hampered and business needs are satisfactorily dealt with, the proper business structure must be characterized by the proprietors of the business (Latimer, 2005). The potential ramifications of both organization and friends business structure have been introduced underneath. Association As per Section 6, Partnership Act, 1963, any relationship wherein at least two individuals consent to work a business with the goal of bringing in cash is named as an association. The accomplices will in general have trustee obligations towards one another as underlined in Birtchnell v. Value Trustees (1929) 43 CLR 384. Further, the common interest idea shapes the premise of any association relationship as featured in Green v. Beesley (1835) 2 Bing N C 108. Points of interest The upsides of the association structure are featured underneath (Davenport Parker, 2014) The legitimate conventions related with the development of association are insignificant and can be finished in a brief timeframe. Since there are various accomplices, subsequently the outstanding task at hand is isolated and furthermore the methods for raising financing is higher. Moreover, information sharing is higher when contrasted with a sole broker. The sharing of benefits and related liabilities is all around characterized from the organization understanding. Detriments There is joint risk of accomplices with respect to activities ordered by singular accomplices likewise (Lang v James Morrison Co Ltd (1911) 13 CLR 1 at 11). Intrigue move can't be singularly executed by a given accomplice without shared assent among all accomplices. The accomplices are by and by at risk for the liabilities of the business as featured in Re Buchanan Co (1876) 4 QSCR 202 case. Organization An organization structure works under the aegis of Corporations Act 2001 and might be either restricted by offers or assurance (Pathinayake, 2014). The potential ramifications of this structure for the investors are demonstrated beneath. Favorable circumstances The organization structure has its very own legitimate substance which is discrete from the proprietors as per Section 124. The individual obligation if there should arise an occurrence of misfortunes and indebtedness is zero for the proprietors except if individual assurance has been unequivocally broadened. Getting to capital markets for gradual assets alongside move of enthusiasm by investors is profoundly encouraged in this manner giving higher liquidity and leave choices. Impediments There are legitimate issues associated with the setting up of an organization which takes cost and time. The detailing necessities on an intermittent premise are relatively more noteworthy when contrasted with an association structure. Proposal Conclusion In the given case, taking into account that the Jack, Jill and Max are associated with the truck business, it would be fitting for them to select the organization structure as it were. This is suggested as the business would conceivably require high measure of capital for additional extension which can be effectively raised through weakening of value. The capital needs would be higher as the business is proceeding to develop at a quick pace (Harvey, 2009). Moreover, the potential liabilities and misfortunes in the business could be conceivably enormous and henceforth it is best prompted that so as to delete the individual obligation of the proprietors, the organization structure must be picked. Additionally, it would give tax cuts as a large group of concessions and furthermore the assessment rate would be the corporate rate which is helpful (Lindgren, 2011). 2. Issues By virtue of Bettys activities, will there be any corporate risk for Child Toys Pty Ltd? With respect to deeds of Charles after retirement, can Child Toys Pty Ltd possibly go in any lawful direction? Rule: The obligation of bosses proceeds for the demonstrations completed by the representatives during their business. This is likewise obvious in situations when there is no expectation on some portion of business to enjoy equivalent to clear from the decision of the Amaba Pty Ltd v Booth [2011]. This obligation on the finish of boss stems from the comprehension of the office law whereby the workers are going about as specialists of managers and thus, the risk of the activities of the representatives inevitably lays on businesses as they in the limit of the chief can conceivably change the direct and conduct of the operator or workers (Paterson, Robertson Duke, 2015). Further, as spoke to in the Keramianakis v Regional Publishers Pty Ltd, [2009], businesses have a vicarious risk and need to cling to the acknowledged precept of respondeat predominant according to which the duty of the workers lead and activities inevitably rests with the business by virtue of being the unrivaled party (Lindgren, 2011). Additionally, Section 5Q of the Civil Liability Act, 2002 states that in case of work being finished by a specific litigant leading an obligation that is delegable, at that point the carelessness tort and potential liabilities would fall on the respondent (Pathinayake, 2014). Additionally, in Maxwell v Highway Hauliers Pty Ltd, [2014] case, it was decided that if an agreement or deal deed has been established attributable to distortion by the respondent and the interests of the offended party are antagonistically affected by the distorted data, at that point the litigant would be held at risk for giving pay to the offended party. While limitation of exchange understandings are much of the time utilized, nonetheless, in dominant part cases there are void. This is normally executed as a prohibitive agreement whereby there is a sure chill period during which the leaving worker can't contend the business in the equivalent or comparable line of business as he/she may have secret data about the business and the equivalent might be utilized to antagonistically affect the legitimate business interests of the business (Latimer, 2005). In the Aristocrat Technologies Australia Pty Ltd v Allam, [2013],it was advocates that classified data is available in each business and if the representative makes endeavors to abuse a similar that too for harming the authentic business interests of the ex-manager, at that point the worker would be trying to pull a fast one. In such cases, a prohibitive pledge would be held enforceable as is clear from the decision in the Wingfoot Australia Partners Pty Ltd v Kocak, [2013] case. Consequently, with respect to enforceability of prohibitive agreement, it would be substantial and enforceable for security of business interests gave it isn't extensive in scope (Pathinayake, 2014). Application: According to the case subtleties, Betty is a worker of the organization for example Youngster Toys since she is going about as a salesman. She distorted material data with respect to the toys deliberately despite the fact that she knew that the case being made to the client is bogus. The distortion was made with the expectation of guaranteeing the execution of agreement however all the while, harm has been caused as a youngster has supported genuine wounds because of the synthetics present in the toy provided by the organization. The organization for example Youngster Toys would need to manage the obligation by virtue of Bettys activity as the business is subject for the activities taken by workers. Be that as it may, it should be likewise determined with regards to why Betty lied as though it was not directed by the business, at that point she has penetrated her guardian obligations towards the business. According to the data gave for the situation, it is obvious that Charles inferable from his senior position had a significant comprehension of the prerequisites of the senior customers and furthermore distinguishes them well because of successive managing. As a feature of his end from the firm, a prohibitive contract has been ordered while disallows him from contending with Child Toys for a time of two years. In spite of this, he alongside his significant other has begun a business which legitimately rivals the past boss. Additionally, the new organization will in general methodology the customers of the past manager for business. Evidently, this is infringement of the prohibitive agreement and the lead of the Charles is plainly not in accordance with some basic honesty as the data increased because of his position is being manhandled against indistinguishable customers from Child Toys. For this situation, there is no denying that for sure prohibitive pledge would be enforceable and lawful activity can be started against Charles by the organization. End: In light of the conversation over, coming up next are the resolution drawn Kid Toy would be at risk for the distortion brought about by Betty. The prohibitive agreement would be enforceable on Charles and henceforth Child Toys can start lawful activity to shield their legitimate business interests. References Resolutions and Case Laws Area 20, Partnership Act, 1963 Area 6, Partnership Act, 1963 Area 124, Corporations Act, 2001 Area 444F, Corporations Act, 2001 Amaba Pty Ltd v Booth [2011]. 283 ALR 461; Blue-blood Technologies Australia Pty Ltd v Allam (2013) 297 ALR 406 Birtchnell v. Value Trustees (1929) 43 CLR 384 Green v. Beesley (1835) 2 Bing N C 108 Lang v James Morrison Co Ltd (1911) 13 CLR 1 at 11 Keramianakis v Regional Publishers Pty Ltd(2009) HCA 18. 237 CLR 268 Maxwell v Highway Hauliers Pty Ltd (2014) HCA 33 Re Megevand; Ex parte Delhasse (1878) 7 Ch D 511 Wingfoot Australia Partners Pty Ltd v Kocak (2013) HCA 43 Books Davenport, S Parker, D 2014, Business and Law in Australia, second eds., LexisNexis Publications, Sydney Harvey, C. 2009, Foundations of Australian law
Wednesday, August 5, 2020
Can Tapering Down Reduce Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms
Can Tapering Down Reduce Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms Addiction Alcohol Use Withdrawal and Relapse Print Pros and Cons of Tapering Down Alcohol Intake By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on December 02, 2019 Verywell / JR Bee More in Addiction Alcohol Use Withdrawal and Relapse Binge Drinking Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery If you want to quit drinking, you might want to try to taper off first, instead of stopping suddenly, to try to reduce the severity of possible alcohol withdrawal symptoms. If you are a daily drinker, a long-time heavy drinker, or a frequent binge drinker, if you suddenly stop drinking altogether, chances are you are going to experience some form of withdrawal symptoms and if you try to quit on your own without any kind of medical assistance, those symptoms could become very severe. Unfortunately, there is little if any research that shows that tapering off actually reduces the effects of alcohol withdrawal. That could be because withdrawal symptoms vary widely from one person to the next, and there is no way to compare results between daily, heavy, or binge drinkers. Rationale for Tapering Down Instead of Cold Turkey We do know that tapering off is standard medical practice for other drugs. Patients taking antidepressants, for example, are usually not taken off their medication abruptly but have their dosages gradually reduced.?? We also know that products used to help people quit smoking, such as nicotine patches or gum, are designed to gradually wean smokers off nicotine by slowly reducing the amount of nicotine they consume. Common sense tells us that quitting cold turkey from a 12-beer-a-day habit is going to be more stressful than tapering down slowly. That doesnt mean to suggest that home detox is either an effective or reasonable appropriate. Generally speaking, alcohol home detox is neither the most effective nor safest method of quitting alcohol. However, it is inexpensive and may be suitable for someone whose job, relationships, and well-being are not in jeopardy. Strategies for Tapering Alcohol Consumption The simplest way to taper off your alcohol consumption is to gradually reduce the number of drinks that you usually drink over a period of time. For example, if you usually drink five glasses of wine every day, try cutting back to four glasses for several days and then try to reduce it to three. Some people taper off by spacing out the length of time between each drink. They may limit themselves to only one drink per hour, for example. Or, they may substitute a glass of water, juice or Gatorade between each alcoholic drink. Some cut back by mixing weaker drinks with less alcohol. Others try to taper off by changing from the alcoholic beverage that they prefer to one that they do not like. For example, they may try to switch from a beverage that they like (like wine) to one they dont (like beer). That rationale is that they are less likely to drink as much of the beverage they do not like. If you plan to taper your drinking in order to stop, make sure that you limit your intake consistently, avoid fluctuations, and adhere to a weekly reduction schedule with a set date to stop. Tapering is not an open-ended process. Challenges of Cutting Down on Alcohol Intake For some drinkers, cutting down on the amount of alcohol they drink simply does not work. They may cut back for a short period of time, but they soon find themselves back to drinking at their usual level. This is especially true of heavy drinkers who are surrounded by the triggers that encourage drinking and lack the support needed to encourage change. Those who find that they cannot taper off the number of drinks for any significant length of time probably have developed a severe alcohol use disorder or have become what is commonly known as an alcoholic. For others, simply cutting back the number of drinks can bring on alcohol withdrawal symptoms. Moreover, substituting one kind of beverage for another does not help you taper off alcohol if you consume the same number of standard drinks as you usually have. For example, one 12-ounce can of beer contains the same amount of alcohol as a 5-ounce glass of wine or a mixed drink containing 1.5 ounces of alcohol.?? With these things in mind, you need to weigh the pros and cons of tapering your alcohol useâ€"ideally with someone you trustâ€"to make a fully informed decision. A Word From Verywell If you find that you are one of those drinkers who cannot taper their alcohol consumption consistently or if you find that you begin to experience withdrawal symptoms by merely cutting back, dont give up. You dont have to let the fear of alcohol withdrawal stop you from cutting back or quitting. You may decide to seek medical treatment for your withdrawal symptoms or decide to enter a professional detox or rehab center. Whatever you do, it is better to act than not act. Even if you fail, there are still plenty of treatment options you can turn to. Dont give up.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Plato And Aristotle s Views On Life - 794 Words
Tameka Jonas Thompson Survey of Philosophical Thoughts2010 Professor James Moore June 9, 2015 Analogy of Plato and Aristotle Aristotle and Plato were each great intellectual however their views on life are totally different. Plato was born round the year 428 BCE in Athens. (Plato) Plato was then introduce to was introduced to philosophy by Socrates in 469-399 B.C.( Plato)Who then became is mentor, however Socrates died , however shortly after his mentor die he had an an inspiration to induce his into politics this then lead him to be educated in Mediterranean. Plato then started a Academy in Athens. Plato believes his institute might be helpful to teach aspired political leaders. Plato s most important peace was, The Republic, it additionally a part of his middle dialogues.(Plato) It is a discussion of the virtues of justice, courage, wisdom, and moderation, of the individual and in society.as it covers almost every aspect of Plato s thought. Aristotle was born in Stagira in Northern Greece, in (384-322B.C.) also referred to as â€Å"the greatest mind produced by Greeks†(page 19 3 book). Plato was Aristotle was mentor by Plato at his university. When Plato died, Aristotle was not chosen as head of the Academy; so Aristotle left and though at Alexander the Great, before he created his own academy the Lyceum. Aristotle s contributors to science and philosophy are beyond the scope of this exhibit. Aristotle s teacher Plato had situated finalShow MoreRelatedPlato And Aristotle s Views On Human Life1457 Words  | 6 PagesHow do we explain the world around us? How can we get to the truth? Plato and Aristotle are two of the most influential and well-known figures in the history of philosophy that searched for answers to many questions; questions such us, what does it mean to be human, where does slavery stand and what is freedom? 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Renaissance A New Way Of Gathering Ideas - 1169 Words
Renaissance means a rebirth and a new way of gathering ideas, which changed the life of many individuals. In European civilization, Renaissance was the period following the medieval period. Renaissance was basically a rebuilding phase after a long period of cultural degeneration and stagnation. People had lost their faith in church and were more focused on each other. In the15 centaury many great things were happening throughout England and other part of Europe. It was beginning of an era where people discovered new ways of learning and thinking by looking back at the ancient Greek and Rome for their inspiration. It was the era of artists, scientist, philosopher, and painter. The Renaissance also perceived the discovery and exploration†¦show more content†¦In the Renaissance era, there was an increase in new educated middle class, who demanded books in their language instead of Latin. In Renaissance books are affordable by middle class. As a humanist in Western Europe I un derstood this as an opportunity to spread the awareness. As a scholar in 15ht century, I would have not known or even think about the problems at the time. Knowing the information now I would like to use a printing press as a newspaper to create awareness about some of the problems people in the Renaissance were dealing with. Throughout this paper I will be discussing three major topics that were important in Western Europe at the beginning of the Renaissance to increase awareness. First gender, which was a method regarding the domination of women. Second social and economic difference between poor and wealthy. Finally spice trade, which made a big impact in the Renaissance. In the 15th century the Renaissance has changed a lot in Western Europe and part of England. Women had lost more power from their economic freedom due more men were getting educated and they were going out to work to make more money. Slowly women stared becoming housewives who stayed home and did unpaid work. W omen were mostly uneducated because a lot of people thought that it was unnecessary, rather they were taught how to do housework so once they get married they could be housewives. In 15th centaury Europe women’s pride and self worth depended
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Writing and Main Point Free Essays
Here are four examples of how to start your essay with a strong main point: My dream is to become a civil engineer. Ever since I was a child with a Logo set, I have enjoyed building things. Engineering would let me express my love for creating things, and allow me to apply my science and math skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Writing and Main Point or any similar topic only for you Order Now In the future, I would like to become a teacher. Teaching seems like the perfect match for me because I enjoy working with children and teaching them new skills. Also, my own teachers have played an important role in my life and I hope to do the same for other students in the future. I want to become a chef Just like Sam Choc. To me, cooking is very creative and although it can look easy from the outside, it is often very dif cult to do well. Plus, I love to eat! Although I’m not sure what Job I will have, I do know that it will be in the FL led of medicine. I have learned a lot about nursing from my aunt, who has inspired me to consider a career in medicine. What will be one or two main points of YOUR essay? STEP 3: construct your Story The heart of your essay will be the stories and details you use to support your main point. Good examples also bring your main point to life and make your essay memorable. Notice how the essay is built up, in the example: Focus of essay: My dream Job is to be a crime scene investigator. This Job would combine my love of science with the challenge of solving a real life mystery. Details: I have always enjoyed science. This year I am taking Chemistry and have learned how various chemicals react and how you can test for the presence of different chemicals. Reading detective novels is a favorite pastime. It’s a challenge to FL guru out â€Å"who did it. †Real life detective work would be much more exciting . I watch CSS every week. It’s amazing how the simplest clue can lead to the arrest of a criminal. Just one tiny FL beer from the assailant’s Jacket can lead to his capture. Law enforcement helps to keep the community safe. CSS detectives make sure that criminals do not get away with their crimes. STEP 4: End strong End your essay by shining a new light on the main point you started with, or leave the reader with something interesting to think about. Here are three examples: Medicine is a very honorable profession, since it seeks to help those who need it the most. I am looking forward to becoming a pre-med major in college and taking the first step toward becoming a doctor. Seeing people enjoy my cooking is one of the best feelings in the world. Becoming a chef is one way I can spread this Joy to many more. Hopefully someday I will even have my own restaurant named after me! Being a police officer, like my father, has always seemed like a dream. Going to college will not only make this dream possible, but it will also help me to reach my lifelong goal. STEP 5: Hear it O Try to put down your draft for a day so you can look at it with a fresh eye. Read your essay out loud and ask yourself and helpers (teachers, friends, relatives, essay coaches) the following questions:  Does it start with a bang? Does the first sentence make you want to read more? Do you know from the beginning what the essay is going to be about? Were you able to follow the story? Did you get lost anywhere along the way? Did it follow a logical order, or skip back and forth in a confusing way? Were there questions that came up that didn’t get answered? Were there any words that you heard too many times? (Try to avoid using the same word twice in the same sentence. ) Was it interesting? Were there parts that could be livened up? Was it too long? Which parts should you cut out?  Is it too short? How to cite Writing and Main Point, Papers
Friday, May 1, 2020
Objections to the first formulation of Kants Cate Essay Example For Students
Objections to the first formulation of Kants Cate Essay gorical ImperativeDeontology is the ethical view that some actions are morally forbidden or permitted regardless of consequences. One of the most influential deontological philosophers in history is Immanuel Kant who developed the idea of the Categorical Imperative. Kant believed that the only thing of intrinsic moral worth is a good will. Kant says in his work Morality and Rationality The good will is not good because of what it effects or accomplishes or because of its adequacy to achieve some proposed end; it is good only because of its willing, i.e., it is good of itself. A maxim is the generalized rule that characterizes the motives for a persons actions. For Kant, a will that is good is one that is acting by the maxim of doing the right thing because it is right thing to do. The moral worth of an action is determined by whether or not it was acted upon out of respect for the moral law, or the Categorical Imperative. Imperatives in general imply something we ought to do however there is a distinction between categorical imperatives and hypothetical imperatives. Hypothetical imperatives are obligatory so long as we desire X. If we desire X we ought to do Y. However, categorical imperatives are not subject to conditions. The Categorical Imperative is universally binding to all rational creatures because they are rational. Kant proposes three formulations the Categorical Imperative in his Groundwork for the Metaphysics of Moral, the Universal Law formulation, Humanity or End in Itself formulation, and Kingdom of Ends formulation. In this essay, the viablity of the Universal Law formulation is tested by discussing two objections to it, mainly the idea that the moral laws are too absolute and the existence of false positives and false negatives. The first formulation of the Categorical Imperative is defined by Kant to act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law. Good moral actions are those of wh ich are motivated by maxims which can be consistently willed that its generalized form be a universal law of nature. These maxims are otherwise known as universilizable maxims. Maxims can then be put through the Categorical Imerative test to determine their universilisablility and thus the premissability the maxim. To test a maxim we must ask ourselves whether we can consistently will for a maxim to be obeyed by everyone all the time. If we can, then the act is permissable but if we will inconsistently then the maxim is not universalisable and the act is forbidden. There are two ways to we can will inconsistently, either the generalized maxim is logically impossible or that what we will contradicts another of our wills. An example of a maxim which would not pass the Categorical Imperative test would be : Whenever anyone wants money they will make a false promise, borrow the money and never pay the lender back. This generalized maxim cannot be universalized because it is self defeati ng for if it was adopted by everyone no one would lend out money. If there is no one that will give you money, there will be no false promises that can be made and hence the maxim cannot be universalized. Another example of a maxim that does not pass the Categorical Imperative test is : Whenever anyone is better off than others, they will never give to the less fortunate. This maxim in itself does not contradict itself but it cannot be consistently willed. If the agent was to imagine himself at that moment to be a homeless person they would will that others who are better off would aid him. However this second will is in direct contradiction of his previous will. In this way, the agent is engaging in inconsistent willing and thus the maxim cannot be universalized. An example of a maxim which passes the Categorical Imperative test is never tell a lie. The generalised maxim would be: Whenever anyone is asked a question, they will always tell the whole truth. This maxim can be willed c onsistently, for there is no self-defeating element in the maxim itself and there is no contradiction with any other will one might have. Everyone would want the truth from the person they asked a question to. Hence it is moral obligation to consistantly tell the truth. In opposition to the first formualation of the Categorical Imperative, Benjamin Constant proposed the famous example called the Case of the Inquiring Murderer which showed that the moral laws of Kant are too absolute. In this hypothetical situation, someone is trying to escape a murderer and tells you that he is going to hide in his house. After the fleeing man has left, the murderer on the way to the first mans house stops and asks you where the first man has gone. You personally believe that if you tell the truth or remain silent, the murderer will kill the man. Most people would be morally compelled to tell a lie to save the first mans life. Yet in kantian ethics, telling a lie is in direct violation of the Catego rical imperative. Kant personally responded to this objection by saying there is no way anyone could know with complete certainty what will happen in the future. Whether you tell the truth or not may not result in the death of the man. The best policy for Kant is to avoid the know evil of telling a lie and accept the consequences. Even if there are bad consequences it is not our fault if we did not tell a lie because we have done our moral duty according to the Categorical Imperative. Kants counter-argument is not all that convincing. However this objection may be circumvented altogether by reformulating how we contrive the maxim by which we are acting on. Anscombe pointed out that Kants rule about universalizable maxims is useless without stipulations as to what shall count as a relevant description of an action with a view to constructing a maxim about it. The objection may be rendered null if we let the maxim of our actions be as specific as possible to the situation. In this cas e, the generalized maxim would be: If I can tell a lie to save an innocent life, I will till a lie. This maxim is universilizable and can be consistantly willed. A more severe fault of the first formulation of the categorical imperative is the existence of false negatives and false positives.When using the Universal Law formulation to determine moral worth, there are some maxims that pass the Categorical Imperative but are seen to be morally wrong. Such a case is known as a false positive. The maxim: When anyone see a kitten they shall kick it around, is a falso positive. This maxim does not null itself in anyway or contradict other maxims that would be willed by the cruel agent. Since the maxim passes the Categorical Imperative test, kicking cats is accepted and even considered praiseworthy when it is clearly not praiseworthy. From our moral intuition, cruelty to animals seems immoral and ought to be rejected as a permissible action by an ethical theory. A false negative is a maxim which fails to pass the Categorical Imperative test but is clearly acceptable in society. A specific maxim Whenever the stock market passes its record low I will withdraw all my money from the bank becomes impossible when it is changed into its generalized form Whenever the stock market passes its record low everyone will withdraw all their money from the bank. A bank keeps your money safe in exchange for the priveledge of lending the money you put in out to other people. If everyone wanted to withdraw all their money from the bank at once the bank would not beable to return it to everyone and would become bankrupt. The maxim is selfdefeating for if it was universalized there would be no more banks to withdraw from if the stock market reaches another record low because of the bankrupting banks. Therefore the action of removing all your money from the bank when there is a stock market downturn is immoral according to the first formulation of the Categorical Imperative. The fact that a person cannot withdraw their money from a bank because of moral restraints shows that there are some serious problems with the moral theory at work. The first formulation of the Categorical Imperative act only according to that maxim by which you can at the same time will that it should become a universal law seems at face value viable. Nevertheless the lack of guidelines to determine which maxim should be used to describe an action causes problems with the consistency of the Universal Law formulation. Moreover, the abundance of false positives and false negatives suggests a deep problem with the first formulation of the Categorical Imperative that may not be fixable. Refrences:1) Feldman, Fred. Kantian Ethics in EBQ James P Sterba (ed) Ethics: the Big Questions, Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, 1998, 185-198. .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d , .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d .postImageUrl , .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d , .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d:hover , .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d:visited , .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d:active { border:0!important; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d:active , .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .udae5492229e61a3315adef8f06d6c30d:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Moral Accountability Essay 2) Kant, Immanuel. Morality and Rationality in MPS 410-429. 3) Rachels, James. The Elements of Moral Philosophy fourth edition. NewYork: McGraw-Hill, 2003.
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